2007 Microsoft Office system 的组件
Microsoft Office Basic 2007(仅限 OEM):Word、Excel、OutLook
Microsoft Office Home and Student 2007 : Word、Excel、PowerPoint、One Note
Microsoft Office Standard 2007: Word、Excel、PowerPoint、OutLook
Microsoft Office Small Business Edition 2007: Word、Excel、Outlook、PowerPoint、Publisher、Business Contact Manager
Microsoft Office Professional 2007: Word、Excel、Outlook、PowerPoint、Publisher、Business Contact Manager、Access
Microsoft Office Ultimate 2007:Word、Excel、Outlook、PowerPoint、Publisher、Access、InfoPath、 Business Contact Manager、Integrated Enterprise Content Management、Electronic Forms、Advanced Information Rights Policy Capabilities、OneNote Groove
Microsoft Office Professional Plus 2007: Word、Excel、Outlook、PowerPoint、Publisher、Access、InfoPath、 Communicator、Integrated Enterprise Content Management、Electronic Forms、Advanced
Microsoft Office Enterprise 2007: Word、Excel、Outlook、PowerPoint、Publisher、Access、InfoPath、 Communicator、Integrated Enterprise Content Management、Electronic Forms、Advanced Information Rights Policy Capabilities、OneNote Groove
Microsoft Office Access 2007
Microsoft Office Communicator 2007
Microsoft Office Excel 2007
Microsoft Office Groove 2007
Microsoft Office InfoPath 2007
Microsoft Office OneNote 2007
Microsoft Office Outlook 2007
Microsoft Office Outlook 2007 with Business Contact Manager
Microsoft Office PowerPoint 2007
Microsoft Office Project Standard 2007
Microsoft Office Publisher 2007
Microsoft Office SharePoint Designer 2007
Microsoft Office Visio 2007
Microsoft Office Word 2007
Microsoft Office Forms Server 2007
Microsoft Office Groove Server 2007
Microsoft Office Project Portfolio Server 2007
Microsoft Office Project Server 2007
Microsoft Office SharePoint Server 2007
Microsoft Office Groove Enterprise Services
Microsoft Business Intelligence Solutions
Microsoft Office Enterprise Project Management (EPM) Solution
Microsoft Windows SharePoint Services 技术
Microsoft 辅助产品和技术
Microsoft Windows Server 2003
Microsoft Exchange Server 2007
值得收藏的Office2007 版本及相关信息
名称:Office Enterprise 2007 Win32 English Disk Kit MVL UG Only DVD
文件:SW DVD5 Office Enterprise 2007 W32 English #1 PA BP Licensing Uber MLF.X12-19615.img
大小:2,726,078,464 Bytes
MD5: 15c8b77efc0485c6716c59722c118b94
SHA1: 291e97fed4bd765a4aa8053b7862f91445cf50fc
CRC32: c11363aa
名称:Office Enterprise 2007 Win32 ChnSimp Disk Kit MVL UG Only DVD
文件:SW DVD5 Office Enterprise 2007 W32 ChnSimp.img
大小:2,915,170,304 Bytes
MD5: f8f621fd2dc4bf60b1ac65d2fcc29973
SHA1: da3d97fd6363135b099adfee44ae26fd159ef5ac
RIPEMD160: f608bdbe9b461405f2b4e1b1e130776329e5998c
CRC32: 45494be9
名称:Office Enterprise 2007 Win32 ChnTrad Disk Kit MVL UG Only DVD
文件:SW DVD5 Office Enterprise 2007 W32 ChnTrad.img
大小:2,939,648,000 Bytes
MD5: Obb3f3aa4a3be59746e081d67479dcb7
SHA1: de743abdc620d18ea3c33675a4c5e8cacc276372
1. 2007 Microsoft Office 加载项:Microsoft Save as PDF 或 XPS - 简体中文:
此下载使您得以在八种 2007 Microsoft Office 程序中导出文件并将其保存为 PDF 和 XPS 格式。在其中某些程序中,还可以利用它发送 PDF 和 XPS 格式的电子邮件附件。
2. 2007 Microsoft Office Add-in: Microsoft Save as XPS - 简体中文:
我们将很快提供有关此下载的说明的简体中文版。 为了让您尽快读到此信息,我们提供了英文说明。
This download allows you to export and save to the XPS format in eight 2007 Microsoft Office programs. It also allows you to send files as e-mail attachments in the XPS format in a subset of these programs. Specific features vary by program.
This Microsoft Save as XPS Add-in for 2007 Microsoft Office programs supplements and is subject to the license terms for the Microsoft 2007 Office system beta software. You may not use this supplement if you do not have a license for the software.
3. 2007 Microsoft Office Add-in: Microsoft Save as PDF - 简体中文:
我们将很快提供有关此下载的说明的简体中文版。 为了让您尽快读到此信息,我们提供了英文说明。
This download allows you to export and save to the XPS format in eight 2007 Microsoft Office programs. It also allows you to send files as e-mail attachments in the XPS format in a subset of these programs. Specific features vary by program.
This Microsoft Save as XPS Add-in for 2007 Microsoft Office programs supplements and is subject to the license terms for the Microsoft 2007 Office system beta software. You may not use this supplement if you do not have a license for the software.